Social Services
Matt Hellman, Director
Christi McFatter, Social Worker
Yisenia Tirado, Social Worker
Candace Joseph, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 860-870-3661
Fax: 860-870-3564
Town Hall
14 Park Place
Vernon, CT 06066
Mission Statement
The Department’s mission is to promote the social well-being of the community, self-sufficiency and improve the quality of life for Vernon residents.
Purpose: The Department provides a variety of social service programs such as crisis intervention, case management services and benefits counseling. The Department is also the intake site for energy assistance applications, emergency fuel and utility assistance, limited emergency assistance, subsidies for summer camp programs, and information and referral. The Department staffs the Human Services Advisory Commission to assist with its initiatives and manages the grants allocated to private, non-profit human service agencies serving Vernon residents.
Social Service Programs
List of Social Service Resources
For a list of social services resources, please click here.
Energy Assistance
Energy Assistance is a federally-funded program that helps low to moderate income residents with heating costs during the winter months.
How to access services: Residents can call to get information about materials needed to complete the application process. Documents will begin to be accepted August 16 for both deliverable fuel (oil) heated households and for utility (gas and electric) heated households. Utility heated households with a shut-off notice are normally extended through mid-May.
Utility Shut Offs
Eversource offers NuStart, a program to help low income individuals and families who have a delinquent balance and are in jeopardy of having their service terminated. A monthly budget arrangement is made and as long as the customer makes that payment every month, the past due amount is reduced over time.
How to access services: Please call for information.
There are services available for people who are without shelter or who are homeless. Please follow this link.
Counsel for CHOICES
Connecticut’s program for Health insurance, Outreach, Information and referral, Counseling, Eligibility Screening
The Department has one CHOICES counselor who has been trained and certified by the North Central Agency on Aging. CHOICES counselors help older adults understand and exercise their rights, receive benefits they are entitled to, and make informed choices about quality of life issues. CHOICES counselors also provide free information and assistance about Medicare options, Medicare Supplemental Insurance (Medigap), Medicare Part D (Prescription coverage) and other state and federal programs. CHOICES counselors DO NOT sell insurance.
How to access services: Please call for information.
Renters’ Rebate
State law provides a reimbursement program for Connecticut renters who are elderly or totally disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. Persons renting an apartment or room, or living in cooperative housing or a mobile home may be eligible for this program. Renters' rebates can be up to $900 for married couples and $700 for single persons. The renters' rebate amount is based on a graduated income scale and the amount of rent and utility payments (excluding telephone) made in the calendar year prior to the year in which the renter applies.
How to access services: If you are a renter age 65+ or a person receiving Social Security Disability and reside in Vernon, you may be eligible for a rebate. Please call for information. The program begins in April and runs through September.
Camp Subsidies
In partnership with the Parks and Recreation Department, the Social Services Department provides “Camperships” to income-eligible residents.
Camp ConnRI is The Salvation Army overnight camp for children ages 7-13. The camp is located in Ashford and offers a variety of activities such as swimming, boating, sports and arts & crafts. The application fee is $35 per child. (Financial assistance may be available on a limited case-by-case basis. Please call 860-870-3661 for more information.) There will be camp in 2022 and you can download the camp application by clicking here.
How to access services: Beginning in February, residents can call for information on how to complete an application and determine eligibility.
Adopt a Child for Back to School Clothes
Our Department offers this program annually by seeking gift card donations for Back-to-School clothes. The program provides families of children in need with gift cards to purchase new clothes for the upcoming school year. If you wish to sponsor a child or make a monetary donation, please contact this office.
Farmers’ Market
The Town of Vernon is a local coordinating agency for the distribution of the Senior Famers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) check booklets to eligible participants. The program runs July through October.
How to access services: Please call for information.
Basic tax preparation assistance is provided to income-qualifying individuals or families during tax season, January through the filing deadline. This is primarily done by VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) at the department’s offices.
How to access services: Please call for assistance.
In December, gift cards, as well as some clothing and/or toys, are available to qualifying families. The department also partners with the Vernon Volunteer Firefighters Association in the Toys for Tikes Drive.
How to access services: Please call for assistance.
Hygiene Closet
Basic living items – soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, diapers, pads, etc. – are available in limited supply to qualifying individuals or families.
How to access services: Please call for assistance.
For a link to other Human Services, please click here.
For all of the listed services or any other questions, please call our office at 860-870-3661 and we will gladly assist you.
Our hours are Monday through Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and
Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.