Fire Marshal's Office
Frequently Asked Questions
Fire Marshal's Office 860-870-3652
Q: Does the Fire Marshal’s Office handle complaints for one and two family residences?
A: Only complaints relative to smoke detection compliance. Otherwise, one & two family residences are specifically exempt from the CT Fire Safety Code.
Q: How often should I change the batteries in my smoke detector?
A: For regular nine volt batteries, at least annually.
Q: Is open burning allowed in the Town of Vernon?
A: Yes, with an approved burn permit. Permits are available at the Fire Marshal’s Office and cost fifty dollars.
Q: Who is responsible for removing snow from around fire hydrants?
A: The owners or occupants of any building or lot of land where there is a fire hydrant. Snow should be removed within eight hours after the storm has stopped or if the storm occurs after 8:00 pm, within eight hours after sunrise.
Q: Are fireworks legal in the State of CT?
A: Only sparklers and fountains are legal in CT. They can only be bought, sold and used by persons 16 years of age or older. Youths under the age of 16 may not use fireworks even under the supervision of an adult.