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Welcome to Vernon, a celebrated place to live, work and visit. 

Building Department

Tel: (860) 870-3633   Fax: (860) 870-3589


Apply ONLINE For a Permit (HERE)



  • All issued permits, inspection results, and communications with applicants will be through email.  Please check your Spam and Junk folders to verify email communications from our office have not been mistakenly placed there.


  Monday    8:30am -12:00pm / 1:00pm - 4:30pm
  Tuesday    8:30am -12:00pm / 1:00pm - 6:30pm
  Wednesday    8:30am -12:00pm / 1:00pm - 4:30pm
  Thursday     8:30am -12:00pm / 1:00pm - 4:30pm
  Friday  CLOSED


The State of Connecticut Building Code requires permits be obtained and inspections of the work performed for anyone who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure.

The Building Department is responsible for the enforcement of the Connecticut Building Code to ensure public safety, health and welfare.  The Building Official and Assistant Building Official(s) perform all areas of review, inspection, and enforcement including: 

  • Reviewing building plans for residential and commercial development 
  • Issuing permits and Certificates of Use and Occupancy
  • Performing inspections for new and existing construction 
  • Answering code and administrative questions
  • Responding to emergency scenes such as fires and building failures
  • Issuing violation letters and orders

Ultimately, it is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that all permits have been issued and inspections passed for any work on their property.  It is advised that when purchasing a home, or any other property, you check with the Town to verify all permits were obtained and inspections were approved.  Otherwise, you may assume liability for the work that was not permitted or inspected.  Please give the Building Department a call at (860) 870-3633, if you have any questions, we are here to help you.

Department Staff:
 Steven Prattson  Building Official  860-870-3651
 Michael Roman  Assistant Building Official    860-870-3648
 Craig Surber   Assistant Building Official   860-896-4291 
 Leuween Beattie  Property Maintenance Coordinator & ZEO   860-870-3636
 Debra Sterling  Building Department Specialist & AZT  860-870-3647
 Matilda Hayes  Building & Fire Marshal Administrative Assistant   860-870-3655
 Annie Geitner  Zoning Administrative Assistant  860-896-4566 


Online Permitting

Useful Information

PermitLink Instructions (How To:)