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Welcome to Vernon, a celebrated place to live, work and visit. 


The Town Administrator and his staff are directly responsible for duties as assigned by the Mayor, including the execution of administrative policies adopted by the Mayor and Town Council; the supervision and coordination of operations in town government; performing administrative planning functions; recommendations of procedural operations that contribute to greater efficiency and economy, and assisting in the preparation of the annual budget.  The Town Administrator also recommends personnel action to the Mayor including the administration of annual performance evaluations, discipline, suspension, or removal of employees as warranted.

The Executive and Administrative Office staff supports elected and appointed officials in the performance of their functions as directed by the Mayor; assists new and current employees with human resource related issues, coordinates bidding and contracts for the purchase of materials, goods and services by the Town, organizes the welcoming of new and expanding businesses to Vernon and replies to constituent requests for information.

John W. Kleinhans, Town Administrator

Dawn Maselek, Assistant Town Administrator

Diane Wheelock, Executive Assistant

Town Hall
14 Park Place
Vernon, CT 06066

Phone (860) 870-3670
Fax (860) 870-3580

Office hours
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
8 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Annual Town Reports

Events Magazine (past quarterly issues)