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Welcome to Vernon, a celebrated place to live, work and visit. 

Backyard Chicken Program
274 West Street, Vernon CT 06066

The Backyard Chicken Program is a fun and educational way to help children and their families experience farming life – and chickens – in a very unique way.

Families and adults participating in the program not only will get to spend quality time with the chickens, but they will also:

-Learn basic chicken anatomy and responsibility for caring for the chickens
-Why chickens are an important part of our lives
-Guess when the first egg will be laid
-Identify how chickens are the same and different from each other
-Explore the farm collecting treats for the chickens, and for yourselves too!

Each class is a variety of instruction, craft or project, exploring and learning about the farm, and hands-on interactions with the chickens.

Click here to learn more and register: