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Welcome to Vernon, a celebrated place to live, work and visit. 

ALERT Vernon

A community and emergency notification system that connects town officials to you.


The Town of Vernon has implemented a state-of-the-art community notification system to alert residents about emergencies and other important community news.
The ALERT Vernon notification system provides accurate and immediate notifications to your cell, work or home phone, via text, email or voice message. Receive notifications that may affect your home, business, workplace, school, or any other locations within Vernon.
You can also sign up to receive non-emergency community news alerts, which include information about community events and services.


About Alert Vernon

Manage your ALERT Vernon account

Sign up for alerts

Not signed up? Click the button below.


Sign up for ALERT Vernon

Manage Profile

Already signed up for ALERT Vernon? Log in to update your contact information or preferences.

Manage ALERT Vernon Preferences

Employee Portal

Portal for Town of Vernon Employees.


Alert Vernon Employee Portal

ALERT Vernon on your mobile device

Keep up to date with alerts using your smartphone!

Visit the Apple Store (for iPhone and iPad) or the Google Play Store (for Android devices) and search for the Everbridge Mobile Member App. 

You must already be signed up for alerts on ALERT Vernon to use these apps.

Contact Us
Should you have any questions or concerns, contact ALERT Vernon at